Iqbal was the first patron of the historical, political, religious, cultural journal of Muslims of British India. This journal played an important part in the Pakistan movement. The name of this journal is The Journal Tolu-e-Islam.In 1929, Jinnah gave his famous Fourteen Points. In 1934, he was elected as the permanent president of the Muslim League, which he reorganized on his return from England.

Pakistan, one of the biggest Muslim states, is a living monument of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He, with his untiring efforts, indomitable will and dauntless courage united the Indian Muslims under the Muslim League banner and carved out a homeland for them despite stiff opposition from the Hindu Congress and the British government.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born at Karachi on December 25, 1876. His father, Jinnah Poonja, belonged to a prosperous business community, Isma'ili Khojas of Kathiawar. Muhammad Ali received his early education at the Sind Madrassa and later at the Mission School, Karachi. He went to England for further studies in 1892 at the age of 16. In 1896, Jinnah qualified for the Bar and in 1897 was called to the Bar.

Muslim League held its annual session at Lahore in March 1940, which was presided over by Quaid-i-Azam. Here the demand for Pakistan was formally put forward, which was realized on August 14, 1947, with Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah as its first Governor General.

Sir Muhammad Iqbal, also known as Allama Iqbal was a philosopher, poet and politician in British India who was born on 9 November 1877 and died on 21th April 1938. He is considered one of the most important figures in Urdu literature, with literary work in both Urdu and Persian languages.he was also called as Muslim philosophical thinker of modern times. Iqbal is known as Shair-e-Mushriq meaning Poet of the East. He is also called Muffakir-e-Pakistan (“The Inceptor of Pakistan”) and Hakeem-ul-Ummat (“The Sage of the Ummah”). In Iran and Afghanistan he is famous as Iqbāl-e Lāhorī or Iqbal of Lahore, and he is most appreciated for his Persian work. Pakistan Government had recognised him as its “national poet.He has different literary and narrative works. His first poetry book, Asrar-e-Khudi, appeared in the Persian language in 1915, and other books of poetry include Rumuz-i-Bekhudi, Payam-i-Mashriq and Zabur-i-Ajam. Amongst these his best known Urdu works are Bang-i-Dara, Bal-i-Jibril, Zarb-i Kalim and a part of Armughan-e-Hijaz and also Pas che bayad kard.he had series of lectures in different educational institutions that were later on published by Oxford press as ‘’the Reconstruction of Islamic religious thoughts in Islam’’. Iqbal was influenced by the teachings of Sir Thomas Arnold, his philosophy teacher at Government college Lahore, Arnold’s teachings determined Iqbal to pursue higher education in West. In 1905, he traveled to England for his higher education. Iqbal qualified for a scholarship from Trinity College in Cambridge and obtained Bachelor of Arts in 1906, and in the same year he was called to the bar as a barrister from Lincoln’s Inn. In 1907, Iqbal moved to Germany to study doctorate and earned PhD degree from the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich in 1908. Working under the guidance of Friedrich Hommel, Iqbal published his doctoral thesis in 1908 entitled: The Development of Metaphysics in Persia. During his study in Europe, Iqbal began to write poetry in Persian. He prioritized it because he believed he had found an easy way to express his thoughts. He would write continuously in Persian throughout his life. Iqbal, after completing his Master of Arts degree in 1899, initiated his career as a reader of Arabic at Oriental College and shortly was selected as a junior professor of philosophy at Government College Lahore, where he had also been a stundent; Iqbal worked there until he left for England in 1905. In 1908, Iqbal returned from England and joined again the same college as a professor of philosophy and English literature. At the same period Iqbal began practicing law at Chief Court Lahore, but soon Iqbal quit law practice, and devoted himself in literary works and became an active member of Anjuman-e-Himayat-e-Islam. In 1919, he became the general secretary of the same organisation. Iqbal’s thoughts in his work primarily focus on the spiritual direction and development of human society, centered around experiences from his travels and stays in Western Europe and the Middle East. He was profoundly influenced by Western philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Henri Bergson and Goethe.

Iqbal died on 21th April 1938 due to severe throat infection that lasted for long till his death. He will be remembered for good.

Aasmaan teri lahad per shabnam afshaani kare
Sabza e noorasta is ghar ki nigeh baani kare.

These are 3 Canal 1st Haveli Main Line Discharge 5130 Cusecs, 2nd Trimmu Sidhnai Link Canal Discharge 11000 Cusecs, 3rd last Canal Rang Pur Canal Discharge 2710 Cusecs 
Detail of Canals Haveli Main Line:
No of Bays=5, Width of Each bays=24', F.S Depth=12' Tail R.D 218000, Crest R.L=481.00, Bed Level 477.00, F.S. Disharge=5178, Bedwidth= 10=200175=12=200=1552=115
Detail of Canals Trimmu Sidhnai:
No of Bays=10, Width of Each bays=24', F.S Depth=12' Tail R.D 219000, Crest R.L=481.00, Bed Level 479.16, F.S. Disharge=11000, Bedwidth= 280

These Head Works were Opened by Cellency Sir Henry Duffield Cralk K.C.S.I..I.C.S Governor of the Punjab on April, The 2nd. 1939. This Barrage is Locate point of River Jehlem & Chanab year of Construction 1937 to 1939, Cost of All Project in these year of Rs 53.00 Millon, Design for Capacity 6,45,000 Cusecs , Barrage Total Lenght 3025 Feet, No of all Gates Weir Potion 37 Gates, Bay Lenght of Main Weir 60 Feet, No of Left Under Sluice Portion 5, No of Right Under Sluice Portion 6, Say Lenght of Under Sluice 30 Feet, Crest Level of Main Weir 477.50, Crest Level of Under Sluice 472.00, and  Maximum Pond Level 493.00

Frontier city, the name means 'city of the frontier', is the capital of Pakistan's North-west Frontier? Province. For, centuries the main route for Invaders from the west, the city has been fought over, Captured and recaptured for more than 2,000 years.

Commercial capital on the Arabian Sea. Karachi, The city in Pakistan, was originally a small fishing settlement.
Places of interest:

Wazir Mansion, Clifton,Quaid-e-Azam's Museum.
Lahore has been the capital of Punjab for nearly 1,000 years. Besides being the Mughal show-window. Lahore is the cultural, cadmic and an intellectual Centre of Pakistan.


Places of interest:

 Wagah border, Badshahi, mosque, Shalimar Gardens, Lahore Museum.

Muree, known as the Queen of Hills is an hour drive northeast of Islamabad. The hills are offshoots of the Himalayan range of mountains. It was built during the British Raj, for officials to escape from the summer heat of the Punjab.


Places of interest:

Patriata, Patriata Ridge, Mall road, is great attractions.

Pakistan's green capital. It was built in the 1960s to replace Karachi as Pakistan's capital. Located on the potohar plateau near the medulla pass in North West of the country.
Places of interest

Rose and jasmine garden, Pakistan’s Museum of natural history, Faisal mosque, Daman-e-Koh, murghzar Mini Zoo and children's Park.


    Sikandar Hassan student of superior university and class of MBA 2.


    June 2013

